Tuesday, December 8, 2009

On papers, college, snow, and....SNOW

So I haven't posted in quite a while, and now seems a rather odd time to do so--three in the morning the night before (or rather, morning of) my first final paper due date of college.

But sometimes there's just those moments where everything clicks into place and it's so beautiful you kinda have to record it (even though at the moment that sounds like the cheesiest thing the world could think of).

In college I seem to have become quite an epic procrastinator of sorts, and tonight I was of course in the library finishing my paper at a mildly ungodly hour of the morning (much to the scorn of a few of my more organized suitemates). After a few hours of sketchy work, I finally cracked down, got a lot written, and decided that some sleep and finishing up in the morning would be a fantastic idea, and got ready to head home (aka to my suite) for the night.

I looked across the room, and noticed another of my peers accomplishing about the same task, but at the same time staring out the window, to then quietly get my attention by whispering, "Pssst...it's snowing!!"

The native southern Californian in me just about jumped for joy over to the window to see that, indeed, snow showers had begun, the first real ones (aka ones not chock full of rain and sleet) of my time here.

That little (well, giant) burst of excitement carried me the two-ish blocks back to my suite, reveling the entire time in the epic loneliness and peace that 3 am snowflakes drifting down from the heavens, it seemed, brought to a kind of stressful night.

That was a few minutes ago. Now, as I look out my window onto the New Haven green (yeah, New Haven...!) and the snow begins to cover the grass, it's quite simply...good. Most definitely. I love snow.

First real snow of college, and of a new home? First majorly procrastinated big paper of college? Exact same time? Coincidence? I'm not thinking so. (If it is, I'll take these coincidences any day)

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